Grain dryers and cleaners

JCM Modular Cleaners VibroMAX

JCM Modular Cleaners VibroMAX are designed to clean all agricultural crops from impurities and admixtures. The product is separated based on different particle sizes (sieves cleaning) and different aerodynamic properties (air cleaning).

JCC Cleaners VibroCompact

JCC Cleaners are designed to clean all kinds of cereals and other crops, small seeds, poppy seeds, dried herbs, spices, tobacco or salt. Product is separated based on different particle sizes (sieves cleaning) and different aerodynamic properties (air cleaning).

JCR Air-sieve Classifiers

JCR Air-sieve Classifiers cleans and classifies material on sieves, using the air coming through sieves. Heavy particles come through sieves and low density particles are lifted and comes along the sieve together with bigger particles.

JGD Destoners

JGD Destoners are designed for removing of heavy impurities (stones, sand) from the main flow (grain) based on different specific weight of both factions. Sorted material is fed to inclined sieve, where fluidized bed is made by vibrations and passing air flow, leading to stratification of cleaned materials light on top and heavy in the bottom.

JGT Gravity Tables

JGT Gravity Tables are intended for sorting of materials with same grain size, but with different specific weight. These machines are most often used for cleaning of sowing seeds and small seeds.

JGC Gravity Concentrators

JGC Concentrators are designed to divide base material flow into two fraction – light and heavy. Machines are used in processing plants such as sowing seed cleaners, flour mills, oat mills, dehulling plants etc.

JCT Indented Cylinders

JCT Indented Cylinders are designed for separation of impurities and admixtures which has different grain shape (length) from the main material flow.


Psohlavců 322/4, 147 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic