Eco Tiller (Strip Till technology)
Environmental method of tillage
- reduction of water erosion
- retention of large amounts of water
- low need for tractor traction
- improves soil condition
- reduction of CO2 emissions
The P&L company produces Eco Tiller machines in several variants. From the point of view of the working width, it is 6 rows (4.5 m), 8 rows (6 m) and 12 rows (9 m). For the 12 R variant, we have developed and have a patent-protected system of horizontal protection of work units, which protects the machine from damage on fragmented plots of land. Eco Tiller machines are manufactured for the application of mineral liquid or granular fertilizers called Ferti Tiller. Or for the application of slurry, digestate and other liquid organic fertilizers called Muck Tiller.
Eco Tiller machines can be easily adjusted for different soil conditions and for working with a large amount of plant residues, in the intercrop and similar conditions. The working units are hydraulically protected for working in stony soil conditions.