Disc cultivators, straw harrows and trailed packers Bednar
Disc cultivators
Disc cultivators are irreplaceable in both conventional and minimum tillage systems. A disc cultivator is used for basic soil cultivation. Our product range includes two models of disc cultivators with a working width from 1,75 to 18.4 metres – the versatile SWIFTERDISC cultivators, and the heavy ATLAS disc cultivators.
You can choose from mounted, semi-mounted or wide disc cultivators from our product range. The working width of the machines ranges from 1,75 to 18.4 metres. Thanks to that, we are able to offer a disc cultivator for various farming conditions, as well as various sizes of farms, no matter how large.
Straw harrow
The straw harrow is designed for initial crop residue management after the harvest of the crop. The aggressive rods evenly distribute crop residue in the field to allow for its even incorporation during the next soil cultivation method. The straw harrow can also be effectively used for the first shallow stubble cultivation, establishing catch crop, soil preparation, opening and warming up soil in spring, or aerating permanent grassland or cereal stands.
The STRIEGEL-PRO straw harrow offers the ability to independently set the working angle of the first and second sections of tine rows, ensuring precise setting, according to the needs. The independent suspension of individual sections enhances work quality, especially in rugged terrain. Additionally, a variety of front equipment is available for added versatility.
Trailed packers
Trailed vambridge packers are designed for even soil profile levelling, clod crumbling and recompacting soil. GALAXY GE can be equipped with the front Crushbar paddle levelling board or the ALFA DRILL seeding unit on request, increasing the versatility of the machine.
The trailed roller can be used for reconsolidating open soil to avoid moisture loss. Therefore, the packer is an essential component of any soil cultivator. The packer can also be used after seeding to create ideal moisture conditions for crop emergence.
The trailed roller has quality steel rings that show minimal signs of wear and can even work in rocky conditions in the long term.